Resources Please use the following resources to assist you in understanding and researching the different programs that Sonoma State University offers, as well as other information on the Global Engagement Office. Main Websites SSU Global Engagement Office: international.sonoma.edu/study-away CSU International Programs: csuip.calstate.edu/ National Student Exchange: www.nse.org/ NSE Study Abroad General Information: international.sonoma.edu/study-away/study-away-programs USAC: usac.unr.edu/ KEI: www.keiabroad.org/Other NSE Study Abroad programs: nse.org/exchange/international/
Facebook Pages SSU GEO: www.facebook.com/SSUGEO SSU Work, Intern, Volunteer Abroad (WIVA): www.facebook.com/SSUWorkInternVolunteerAbroad SSU International Education Exchange Council: www.facebook.com/SSUIEEC Other Online Resources SSU GEO Newsletter: international.sonoma.edu/study-away/geo-bulletin